Friday, May 6, 2011


My little Lucy is such a funny child. I am convinced that she will be a very successful comedienne or entertainer at some point in her life. She already IS from our perspective but the masses are waiting.

She has a bit of a shoe fetish right now and often times is seen wandering around the house with a pair. Not necessarily her own, of course. This morning I was 20 minutes late to work because I couldn't find the shoes that I wanted to wear. She had to take those?!? Eventually I found them in the most logical place - the clothes hamper. In hindsight, I should have looked there first. I have washed a variety of items because I fail to check the hamper before it goes into the washer: books, toys, shoes and sippy cups.

She is a bit of a screamer and most words are said with a hint of shriek to them. "CA-CKAH!" when she wants a cracker is probably the shriekiest of them all. This has been going on since she was a newborn and would squeak instead of making other noises. It was sweet then and is sweet now when my eardrums don't bleed.

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