Saturday, August 25, 2012

Girly Girls

Both of my girls have moments where they are truly girly. They also have moments where they are truly quiet. I recently discovered that the combination of quiet & girly can yield unpleasant results.

I was minding my own business (four years with a child in the house and I still haven't figured out that is a bad idea) and realized, probably about 10 minutes too late, that it was way too quiet. If you are a parent, you know that sense of panic. The "omgitiswaytoquietIhavetogofindthem" panic.

I found my girls in the kitchen sitting quietly on the floor. Nothing looked amiss until I realized Hayden was watching what Lucy was doing. Lucy, had climbed onto the counter and managed to reach the second shelf up to get my bright red finger nail polish. At this point, she was sitting on the floor, painting her nails.

I love my Lucy and I'm certain that she has many talents and will excel at many things.

Nail art is probably not going to be one of them.

The ring finger on her right hand freaks me out.

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