Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Catching up: Hayden

I've so been slacking on the blogging for these two and I really need to get better about it! Let's see if I can remember some highlights of conversations: 


Suddenly this little Miss is infatuated with all things poop. You are a poopy butt, you have poop, you're a poopyhead. Any word combined with "poop" is now the best. word. ever. 

She has become a radio personality! Yes, she made her on-air debut a few weeks ago by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance on 106.3 The Bear. I was proud of her but she was SO pleased with herself, it made me want to cry! She spent about a week learning this and did amazingly well. It's something that every little kid should learn, and although we are still working on the meaning, I'm proud of her for knowing the words. 


 She ROCKS!!! 

In other news, she has become a rather funny little kid and tries so hard to be grown up. Occasionally she will melt down completely and give herself a headache. When she calms down, trying to catch her breath, she will tell me "I just want to be a big girl". It breaks my heart. But mostly, she is funny. She loves Lucy to bits and then tries to push her down the stairs. Ahhhh...siblings...something I never had the pain joy of experiencing. 

Conversation the other day: 

Lucy to Hayden: "You tell me what to do!" 
Hayden in response: "Cereally? CEREALLY? That is not 'ceptable Lucy. I am not the boss." 

She completely missed out on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity there to tell Lucy EXACTLY what to do and Lucy probably would have done it. I realized when she said "cereally" that perhaps I may say overuse my sarcastic tone of  "seriously???" a wee too often. She said it pretty much dead on as to how I would. But, cereally, I should tone it down a bit, huh? 

Last night I was slathering Desitin on Lucy's tiney little raw hiney and Hayden stood next to me watching. She finally looked at me with a completely befuddled expression and asked "Momma? Why are you putting sour cream on Lucy's butt?" 

Sour cream indeed.

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